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    This is a feminine take on the traditional men's bowler hat.  The felt reminds me of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, in her polka-dot dress at the Polo field.  The throwback feeling of the fabric dress used in this hat has me nostalgic for a simpler time and a delightful romcom movie.  While the silk material is fused with merino wool to make the hat, a simple strip of silk is used to highlight the hatband on this one-of-a-kind hat.  Simple covered buttons detail the side of the hat band in understated classic style.
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    "The sky is an infinite movie to me.  I never get tired of looking at what's happening up there."  - KD Lang. With sky blue wool and many different silk and textures, this kitchen sink felt hat has it all.  Colorful, playful, elegant and fun, this hat will be great to go to the market or lie in a snowbank on a sunny day, watching the clouds.
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    Marie is a gossamer hat that exudes an understated elegance.  Subtle earth tones with the softest of flower petals framing your face, this hat features a charcoal gray beaded swath that carries the movement of the pattern into the folds of the hat.  Picture a cool spring day once the apple blossoms are out, a little wet, the blossoms floppy and still velvety in your fingers.  A perfect day to wear such a stunning creation.
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    This summer I've been watching my social media feed, and the escapes my friends have made from their regular lives to bodies of water.  There is peace, mental space and room to breathe when one finds oneself in or beside a large body of water.  It is as if the deep colors of the water mixed with the rhythm of the waves lulls you to another part of your brain where you can escape the business of your life... This hat and its relaxed style and deep marine colours evokes that same feeling.  Light and comfortable, it can "take you away" when you are not close to your body of water, evoking the same tranquility as you feel when on holiday... "Why do we love the sea?  It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think".  - Robert Henri
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    I made this gossamer hat while live streaming Megan and Harry's wedding.  I had just picked up the most delightful raspberry gingham scarft for a lining, and this hat came together perfectly.  Just as the day seemed to pass, the silks and merino wool blended so beautifully together, it was indeed a magical day!  Reminiscent of springtime peonies and azalea flowers, this hat will raise your spirits and turn heads like the glorious flowers do each spring on their return...
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    It is said that the dawn of teenagers emerged in the 1920's.  Entering the workforce a little later, delaying marriage, and the automobile carrying a courtship away from one's parent's watchful eye made room for teenagers to express themselves, soon becoming the flapper generation.  Smoking, cutting their hair, dancing with wild abandon, flappers characterized an energetic freedom not yet seen by women. This hat is a modern take on what a new teen might wear.  Deep on the head, a coy brim and a showy bouquet of flowers on the crown, this hat is sensible, retro and yet fashion forward!  Filled with flowers it is a very pretty statement piece that can be dressed up or down. "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants".  - Coco Chanel
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    This color does not appeal to all, but you KNOW if you are the woman who can wear these colors.  Olive green, blushed pink, peach and butter yellow, this sleek beret is a wonderful addition to any wardrobe.  Team it with a tan coat, a black sweater, or grey scarf...  This hat is style and subtle glamor all the way.
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    The red poppy - highly symbolic and aesthetically pleasing.  It has been known to represent sleep, peace and death, to produce opiates and cause wars. For me it is a flower that quickly captures my attention.  The velvet feeling of its petals, both vibrant and yet so delicate.  The tall stem that looks as if it could easily snap in a sharp wind.  The seed pod that has remarkable geometry and reminds me of a salt shaker.  The beauty of this flower takes my breath away, and helps me remember...
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    This hat is THE accessory piece to an outfit or a special outing.  The felt hat has delicious texture as the wool has fused to and rippled the black silk velour during the felting process.  It reminds me of textiles made for Royalty that sit in museums or castles in Europe.  The bow is made with stiff pineapple silk; oversized and flipped upside down as if you're about to get swept off your feet! We play dress up as youngsters.  Somewhere along the line many of us lose that ability to just let go and express ourselves with fashion and play.  This hat invites you back to a simpler time where play was fun and the bigger the bow, the better!
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    This hat whisks you from where you are to New York City.  A place of unlimited fashion freedom.  Where black is the main color of clothing, styled into sharp, intelligent and unique outfits.  The key to the outfit?  The power of a well-chosen accessory... This hat is edgy and can be worn many ways.  By changing its place on your head, even by one inch, the whole feel of the hat changes.  Pull it down to demurely cover one eye increasing the mystery...  Tilt it upward a little, and it has the feel of a modern 60's Maud hat. The point is...why not bring a little NYC home.  Be that person to keep that fashion flair alive, right where you live. "Personal style is attitude, attitude, attitude.  It has to come from within.  You have to develop things yourself".  - Iris Apfel  
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    This is a hat for someone who loves being outdoor in the winter.  Ditch the toque for this flower garden that blooms all winter! Wear it to work, a winter snowshoe, or out to an event.  This hat will go everywhere with you and can tuck nicely into a purse if you must store her while you're inside.  Romantic and glamourous, Zoe helps you embrace your wintertime look, whatever that will be!  "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe.
  • This gossamer hat is light and very comfortable to wear. It can be the hat you wear to the market or on a brisk hike in the hills. It is unlike most hats and will be noticed, not only for it’s beautiful print and colors, but for its sculpted, casual design. It is a hat that will set you apart from others. As Robin Williams once said:  “You’re only given a little spark of madness.  You mustn’t lose it.”
  • Sale!

    Spring Garden

    Fresh.  This hat hosts an abundance of cheerful flowers to make you think of peonies, roses, and the smell of fresh rain on your garden.  Navy blue cocktail hat with deep purple leather leaves as an accent.  Now...where was that garden party?
  • This hat is best described by a song by Tenille Townes - wanting to reclaim her fierce, carefree self, indulging in the beauty and pace of the smaller moments in life. "The girl who didn't care": "I wanna worry a little less, love a little more Barefoot in a dress, dancing on the floor Like I did, back when, when I was younger Making up the songs, playing in my head Didn't matter what anybody said Didn't need to be like all the others Giant dreams and wild hair Yeah, I know she's still in there somewhere The girl who didn't care"
  • Wildflower

    This large-brimmed hat features a deep crown and wildflowers everywhere.  A striking hat that will draw the eye of those around you, a signature piece that is both formal yet relaxed.  Confident, elegant and beautiful, this hat will be great in the shoulder seasons and winter to keep your head warm. "She sprouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shined."  - Erin Hanson


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