merino wool

Home/merino wool
  • Jenna

    There are all kinds of quotes about Leopard print.  Seemingly you're either a fan, or not.  Where Jenna may surprise you is the variety of her undertones (tan, burnt orange, brown) thus the amount of colors and outfits she will match!  Leopard print is something that acts as a staple in a wardrobe, a kind of neutral... This hat will roll up into a purse, fend off bad weather (snow, sleet, fog, some rain) keeping you warm and cozy as you go about your life this autumn, winter and fall.  Adding a little zing to a wardrobe, she's ready for you...are you ready for her?
  • Out of stock
    "The sky is an infinite movie to me.  I never get tired of looking at what's happening up there."  - KD Lang. With sky blue wool and many different silk and textures, this kitchen sink felt hat has it all.  Colorful, playful, elegant and fun, this hat will be great to go to the market or lie in a snowbank on a sunny day, watching the clouds.
  • Out of stock
    This hat is a throwback cloche made with "all but two" floral-patterned silks.  A kitchen sink hat (many silks combined into one piece), it is like a garden bed full of perennials, your own English Garden, a dense and rich collection of flowers.  With marvelous textures in the velour, sequins, beads, or dense silk flowers that sit atop of the wool rather than get felted in, this is a feast for those who appreciate texture in their fashion.
  • Out of stock
    This color does not appeal to all, but you KNOW if you are the woman who can wear these colors.  Olive green, blushed pink, peach and butter yellow, this sleek beret is a wonderful addition to any wardrobe.  Team it with a tan coat, a black sweater, or grey scarf...  This hat is style and subtle glamor all the way.
  • Hester

    A modern take on a vintage turban.  This "kitchen sink" turban has a blend of many fabulous prints all fused into one hat.  One of a kind design, it is a casual head-turning topper for the hat-venturous!  While sensible (it will not crush your hair, will keep you warm in the winter/fall/spring, and will defend you against unfavorable weather), it has a wonderful flair and joie de vivre! A unique hat to match your unique personality!
  • Out of stock
    This is a hat for someone who loves being outdoor in the winter.  Ditch the toque for this flower garden that blooms all winter! Wear it to work, a winter snowshoe, or out to an event.  This hat will go everywhere with you and can tuck nicely into a purse if you must store her while you're inside.  Romantic and glamourous, Zoe helps you embrace your wintertime look, whatever that will be!  "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak." - Rachel Zoe.
  • This kitchen sink deep cloche is named for Alma Reville, a pioneer for women in the film industry.  She also was known as Alfred Hitchcock's wife.  Writer, assistant director, actress, screenwriter, Alma wore many hats and forged a path for women in film.  She was also Hitchcock's sounding board and collaborator.  On accepting a Lifetime Achievement Award, Alfred is quoted as thanking "I beg permission to mention by name only four people who have given me the most affection, appreciation and encouragement, and constant collaboration. The first of the four is a film editor, the second is a scriptwriter, the third is the mother of my daughter, Pat, and the fourth is as fine a cook as ever performed miracles in a domestic kitchen. And their names are Alma Reville".
  • Out of stock
    It is said that the dawn of teenagers emerged in the 1920's.  Entering the workforce a little later, delaying marriage, and the automobile carrying a courtship away from one's parent's watchful eye made room for teenagers to express themselves, soon becoming the flapper generation.  Smoking, cutting their hair, dancing with wild abandon, flappers characterized an energetic freedom not yet seen by women. This hat is a modern take on what a new teen might wear.  Deep on the head, a coy brim and a showy bouquet of flowers on the crown, this hat is sensible, retro and yet fashion forward!  Filled with flowers it is a very pretty statement piece that can be dressed up or down. "A girl should be two things: who and what she wants".  - Coco Chanel
  • Red beret

    This hat has a sleek silhouette, a whimsical assortment of patterns, and a deep red color that will catch everyone's eye.  From every angle, this hat has you looking fabulous.  It is versatile for casual wear with a denim jacket, or a night out on the town with a felt coat;  it can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. "A hat is a flag, a shield, a bit of armor, and the badge of femininity. A hat is the difference between wearing clothes and wearing a costume; it's the difference between being dressed and being dressed up; it's the difference between looking adequate and looking your best. A hat is to be stylish in, to glow under, to flirt beneath, to make all others seem jealous over, and to make all men feel masculine about. A piece of magic is a hat."   - Martha Sliter.
  • This pillbox hat is a texture-lover's dream.  Soft felt featuring printed silk velour textures that ripple when felted into the wool.  Polka dot and paisley silk accentuate the swarovski crystals hand-sewn onto the veil.  This hat is soft and very comfortable to wear.  A definite show-stopper worn at a jaunty angle on the head. Elegant yet casual with a relaxed structure.  This hat will surely turn heads and provide that finishing touch on many outfits you have.  
  • Out of stock
    I don't know about you, but given today's social isolation precautions, I am finding moments of joy in the small activities in my house.  While felting in my kitchen I typically stream dance music, and find myself singing and dancing to some great tunes.  Nothing gets me happier than a view, the sun, good music and felt making.  This hat is a kitchen sink style cloche, which while sensible and covers your ears, also conveys moments of joy!  The piece has several different silks all colliding on one hat, a style of hat I've termed "The Kitchen Sink". In the 1920's there was an actress Gilda Gray who popularized the "shimmy" dance.  I believe she would have worn this hat fabulously.  Combined with her beauty, European exoticism and willingness to shake her stuff on stage, Gilda was seen as unconventional, slightly dangerous, and emblematic of a new generation ready to party.
  • Reine

    This hat is a stunning deep red color mixed with a graphic design.  Its shape is achieved by blocking it with folds on a square-based crown wooden block.  The resulting hat is a show-stopper.  This is for the woman who likes to be bold.  Who likes to wear her hats a little recessed on her head.  A woman who likes subtle volume in her hat. A head-turner for sure.  Subtle and elegant and regal, for the queen in you.
  • Bibi

    A great "starter" Trish Raine hat, Bibi cloche has style, sensibility and practicality.  She will protect you in cold, damp winter weather (basically anything winter will throw at you), although colder than -15C you might place her under a hood.  She will fold up in your purse, willingly fit a ponytail of hair in her folds, and her design (many silks) will match pretty much anything you wear.  She can go "running" or exercising with you; snowshoeing, x-country skiing, dog walking.  She can also be the comfortable friend who accompanies you to the Saturday market and completes chores with you.  She is reliable and maintains her shape for many years.  Like a trusted old friend, she's got your back, providing comfort and warmth.
  • Sale!

    Spring Garden

    Fresh.  This hat hosts an abundance of cheerful flowers to make you think of peonies, roses, and the smell of fresh rain on your garden.  Navy blue cocktail hat with deep purple leather leaves as an accent.  Now...where was that garden party?
  • The thing about felt making is that although you have a vision and you set up what you're making very carefully and skillfully, you never really know how it is going to turn out.  There is a "letting go" of control when feltmaking, and when you reveal what you've  made, I call it a "no whammies" reveal.  A little hope and a prayer each time.  ;) This hat turned out EXACTLY as I'd planned.  I couldn't have placed the print better, as the hood (felt shape) was destined for this vintage turban block.  The felt is light, thin and even, as you would expect with such a topper.  It exudes luxury and is for the woman who is a confident hat-wearer.  This hat WILL turn heads and say to the onlooker that you are a woman who is sure of yourself.  Casual and dressy, this hat can take you from the market to an evening out.
  • Out of stock
    This is a feminine take on the traditional men's bowler hat.  The felt reminds me of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, in her polka-dot dress at the Polo field.  The throwback feeling of the fabric dress used in this hat has me nostalgic for a simpler time and a delightful romcom movie.  While the silk material is fused with merino wool to make the hat, a simple strip of silk is used to highlight the hatband on this one-of-a-kind hat.  Simple covered buttons detail the side of the hat band in understated classic style.


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