The thing about felt making is that although you have a vision and you set up what you're making very carefully and skillfully, you never really know how it is going to turn out.  There is a "letting go" of control when feltmaking, and when you reveal what you've  made, I call it a "no whammies" reveal.  A little hope and a prayer each time.  ;) This hat turned out EXACTLY as I'd planned.  I couldn't have placed the print better, as the hood (felt shape) was destined for this vintage turban block.  The felt is light, thin and even, as you would expect with such a topper.  It exudes luxury and is for the woman who is a confident hat-wearer.  This hat WILL turn heads and say to the onlooker that you are a woman who is sure of yourself.  Casual and dressy, this hat can take you from the market to an evening out.